B2B Sales Tips: How to Initiate Successful Cold Calling Conversations
Whether its called B2B telemarketing, B2B lead generation or just plain old cold calling, the success of this strategy is determined by how comfortable you are with your pitch. The tips below are good to keep in mind when you get on the phone.
So Many Leads…So Little Time
Here is a case study about one of our current customers who is utilizing our b2b telemarketing services. Not only are we doing lead generation but also lead qualification, by following up on emails that have been sent to their prospects.
B2B Lead Qualification: Stop generating leads and start generating revenue
This article sums up the current marketing trend. Build a form and leads will come. Yes, a form will generate leads but the majority are not ready to be handed off to sales. The process of qualifying inbound leads needs
Increase b2b sales by managing your prospcting and sales ratios
One of the benefits of working with IT’S YOUR CALL is that we track what occurs which each dial. The results are then given to our customers in a weekly report. Thus allowing them to manage their telemarketing campaign and measure the
The Seven Selling Basics That’ll Make You as Great as You Want to Be
Some great points are made about the basics however the prospecting aspect is sorely lacking. Our customers hire us to add to their b2b sales process. We create lead generation and lead qualification campaigns to help their prospects through the sales cycle. Of course there are
3 Approaches to Summer Prospecting
Summertime is fast approaching, next week if you think it starts on Memorial Day. The question from our customers that always comes up is, does b2b telemarketing work during the summer. My answer is since activity slows down in most
7 Ways To Be Better at Prospecting
The candor in this article about prospecting is refreshing! So many in the B2B sales and marketing arena’s tout one method to prospect for new customers. The third way in the article speaks to integrating your prospecting by utilizing telemarketing
5 Tips for a Healthy Pipeline
Qualifying your prospects is key to making sure your sales pipeline is “healthy”. Many of our customers utilize our b2b telemarketing services to further qualify leads that are in their database. This article discusses setting criteria to move prospects seamlessly through the pipeline. A pipeline full
The 7 most important stages in the b2b telemarketing funnel
This is a great breakdown of the B2B telemarketing process for generating leads. Defining the steps helps all involved to understand the various stages of the sales funnel. Working with our customers we make sure that everyone has the same
Cold Call Tactics That Increase Sales
This article has great tips on utilizing b2b cold calling in your sales process. I was going to try and single out my most favorite tip but I like them all! It differentiates between prospecting and telemarketing (blitzing), talks about the