Lead Qualification Checklist

At It’s Your Call, a b2b telemarketing service, we offer lead qualification services.  Our customers supply a list of leads and ask us to call them and ask specific questions that will help the customers determine whether the leads are prospects for their sales people.  We incorporate the checklist below and customize it for our particular customers into our call guides so when we return the lead list to the customer they receive truly qualified prospects.

Lead qualification establishes the step-by-step criteria to ensure the leads have the highest probability of becoming future customers.

Sales reps need to spend less time on unqualified leads and more time closing.

Sales pipeline are either qualified or disqualified leads, depending on whether or not they meet these criteria. These are designed to separate the potential customers from the dead end leads enabling sales teams to concentrate on prospects who have the highest likelihood of converting.

By breaking down the criteria into more manageable individual tasks the checklist keeps the lead qualification process consistent.

Listing all characteristics and questions that can define your target customer allows you to evaluate and check every box so they are a qualified lead.

Lead Qualification Checklist:

Real Interest

Are they really interested in buying your product?

Are they interested in learning more?

No automatic disqualification

Need Your Product

Difference between wanting a product and having a use for it.

What are current challenges and pains?

Long-term goals?

Clarity on how you can make a difference.

Within Budget

Sensitive subject and a few ideas to get an idea of budget.

What are they currently using?

Are you happy with the current product price?

Ideal price range?

Ready To Buy

Is it the right time?

What is time frame?

Where are they in buying journey?

Is this initial research, or comparing prices and features?

Just because a lead isn’t ready to purchase right now doesn’t mean they won’t be ready

The Decision-Maker

Making a sale requires  approval from the  decision-maker is this the right person?

Knowledge check to determine level of intimate knowledge of company goals, challenges, and needs.

Knowing who makes the buying decisions, and understanding the role that each person plays.



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