The Journey of a Successful Sale

Picture a world where every cold call you make ends in a sale. While that would be amazing, you know from experience that getting businesses interested in what you are selling is never that easy. B2B telemarketing has a whole world of pitfalls of which you are surely already aware. Between people being “out of the office” and those who hang up automatically, you know better than anyone how difficult it can be to get someone on the hook. It’s easy to focus on everything that goes wrong. You might want to pinpoint the moment you lost and try something different on the next call. Improvement is always a great idea, but instead of only looking at what went wrong, turn your attention to the times that went right. Look at the entire process from start to finish and you’ll see exactly what works for you.

First Contact

We all know how important first impressions can be. After the initial legwork from your lead generation is complete, you need to start dialing. You want to make sure you get your point across without being too pushy or sales-y. It may seem counterproductive, but sounding too much like a salesperson could cause some to be disinterested in your company. Keep it light and informative and you’ll be able to get your foot in the door.

The Right Person

Sometimes just getting to the right extension is exhausting. The gatekeeper is only going to send through calls that they feel are important. If you have the full name of the person in charge of purchasing you’re off to a good start. If you aren’t able to obtain that information, be as informed as possible with the business you’re reaching out to. Confidence and knowledge will often be just enough to get you where you need to go.

Small Talk

You know how precious your time is to you. Always remind yourself that the person you are speaking with over the phone feels the exact same way about their own time. To get your point across in a clear precise manner, you might be tempted to cut right to the chase. Before you decide how to proceed, try to get a feel about what the client wants. If it seems like they’re all business, stick to the facts. On the other hand, it does not take much time to ask someone how their day is going or to comment on the weather. If it seems like the other person would appreciate a little small talk, go for it. It could help hold their interest and keep you from sounding overly scripted.


More often than not, you are not going to close a deal the first time you speak with someone. After you’ve given an overview of your services, make an appointment to call back at a better time. When you schedule your next call you are showing the person that you respect their busy schedule and you want to make sure they get the best service you can offer. You always want to make the customer feel like they are your number one priority. Starting the relationship with respect rather than pushy sales tactics is sure to put you on the right track.

The Follow Up Call

Always be punctual. When you tell a potential client that you’ll call them back at a specific time, make sure you do just that. Mark it on your calendar or set an alarm, whatever it takes to remind yourself. A follow up call gives you more than a second conversation. It allows you to show what type of company you’re running. Staying in touch throughout the selling process is essential. Show how great your company is while finding out more about theirs.

Closing Time

Making a sale will always leave you with a great feeling. You might want to get off the phone right away to celebrate. That’s a great instinct, but don’t end the call until you’ve done everything you can for your new customer. Let them know you’ll be checking in to make sure they’re happy with your service. Give them extra options for future use. These added details can often lead to repeat business and renewals, not to mention great word of mouth. From the time you see a new phone number to the final hang up, the journey you take to make a sale could feel like a roller coaster. It’s true that you can’t win them all, but by studying successes rather than failures, you’ll set your business up for a better future. It might take a long time with several meetings, but in the end it’s always worth it. Treat your clients with respect and always keep your appointments. Following up and keeping in touch will keep you one step ahead. Whenever you start to feel like you haven’t closed a deal in a while, take a look back at your best moments. The confidence you’ll get will be enough to get you ready for your next endeavor.

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