Telemarketing Overview

This is an excerpt from my book “Cold Calling for the Clueless” a guide to implementing a B2B telemarketing process the Non-Sales Entrepreneur.  It’s about a 20 minute read but the reviews have said the content is invaluable.

At some point in your business’s life you will make the decision to add telemarketing to your marketing campaigns. Telemarketing is the only marketing method that lets you speak directly to your target audience.

I frequently hear from prospects that all they want from telemarketing is appointments. But telemarketing is more than just finding appointments! Your prospects are spread out all over the sales cycle. Some are only looking for information, some are going to buy but not yet, some just never make an appointment on the first call. Telemarketing reaches all these different kinds of prospects and allows you to accurately identify solid prospects, quickly generate interest in your products and services, and easily develop a dialogue with people whose needs match what you have to offer.

That’s why cold calling is a proven method of generating new business.



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