Sensor Manufacturer Sensed Too Many Leads and Not Enough Bandwidth for Following Up on Hot Leads
A sensor manufacturer in Eastern Massachusetts had placed two advertisements in industry trade journals. After the advertisements had been running for a few months over a 1000 prospects had responded to the call for action and had been emailed the appropriate product material. The Sensor Manufacturer’s marketing person realized that sending out responses wasn’t enough to generate sales. However since they have a small sales organization, the time to do the follow up calling wasn’t available: “we are trying to generate conversations with potential leads but lack bandwidth.”
The President and Marketing Director met with us to discuss their needs and how we could help them. They wanted to be assured that we could handle the technical product knowledge. During the meeting the decision was made to move forward. The advertisements, follow up emails, and links to the manufacturer’s website were used to develop a comprehensive script that would allow It’s Your Call’s callers to have a productive conversation. It was decided that since the list had received product information and e-newsletters we would only make two attempts to each contact with the last attempt being a voicemail message. A positive response rate was defined as prospects that answered the predetermined qualifying questions and had agreed to a next step in the sales process. Not only were qualifying questions built into the script but some market research questions were asked. Thus the sales team and the marketing team would benefit from this campaign.
The campaign took a total of 86 hours of calling which resulted in 1706 dials, averaging about 20 dials per hour and achieving an overall positive response rate of 13%. We secured immediate and long term appointments, uncovered prospects that didn’t recall receiving information but still had an interest and those who had an interest but not an immediate need. That’s a total of 225 prospects that had the potential of going to another supplier if the follow up phone calls hadn’t been made!
Since this campaign the sensor manufacturer continues to utilize It’s Your Call, not only to continue with follow up calling but for tapping into companies that they would like to work with by having us make cold calls.