Outbound Vs. Inbound Marketing
Brand recognition is something every company needs. In order to give your services longevity, you need to make sure that your products are well known to everyone in your industry. There are many different paths to choose from when it comes to B2B telemarketing services. So many, in fact, that you might not know where to start. If you’ve tried everything from the classics to the trendy, you might want to take a moment before you decide where to go next. Simplifying your methods could lead you to the experience and knowledge you need to take your business to the next level. Lead generation requires a strong gameplan to ensure that you’re getting the best information. Read on to find out what a couple specific marketing techniques could mean for your brand.
Outbound Marketing
Something you have probably been doing for years, though you may not have known it had a label, is outbound marketing. This includes cold calls, email blasts, direct mailings, billboard ads, and more. Anything you do to try to gain recognition is typically grouped together as outbound marketing. You are getting the word out to the masses any way you can. When taking this route, you will see that it is a bit of a mixed bag.
• Leads you get with this method, especially those you make through direct conversations, will create stronger connections and help boost your sales.
• The multiple types of ads you can use plus the rate in which you can distribute them will make your brand well known to everyone.
• Some leads may not pan out the way you want. You are casting a wide net and you are bound to pull up some tiny fish that need to be thrown back.
• Be careful not to oversaturate. Potential customers can get annoyed if they see a billboard on every corner and a flyer in the mail every single day.
When done properly, outbound marketing can get you noticed and point you toward a large number of new leads. Space out your ads and keep them updated and you will have no problems with your sales.
Inbound Marketing
While inbound marketing does use some newer tactics, it has become obvious that it is here to stay. If you haven’t guessed already, inbound marketing is basically the opposite of outbound. When spreading the word about your products, you are the one doing the reaching. With inbound marketing, you are creating situations where the customer reaches out to you. Digital markets including websites and social media give you a unique opportunity to incentivize customers to make first contact. Online quizzes, blogs, and instructional videos can all be used to your advantage.
• There is less work needed on your part when it comes to lead generation. When people reach out you can gather their information easily.
• The digital aspect gives you room for more creativity. Whether you choose to target a specific group of businesses, or just a certain industry in general, you can have something tailor made to fit every situation.
• You may need to hire outside help as creating quality content does not come easily to everyone. What is simple for a larger business may be another unneeded expense to another.
• Targeted ads, even digital ones, also have the same effect as outbound marketing. Be careful not to bombard people all at once.
Finding your niche with this type of marketing can be fun, but it will also take a good amount of work up front. Decide on a few specific items and focus on that. If they work out in your favor, you can up your game and move forward with more.
Is one method better than the other? The simple answer is, no. The longer answer is that it depends on your services and the needs of those you are trying to reach. Some companies are traditional and would prefer a phone call over an email. Some are more likely to follow trends and will be happier taking a quiz to see which of your products would fit their company the best. Thankfully, there is no rule that says you have to pick just one marketing strategy. A combination is a great way to go if you are trying to get a feel for what people want. B2B telemarketing services are always available whether you have an in-house department, or if you outsource to others. Keep things interesting with a variety of tactics and you will be sure to see improved sales numbers in no time.