Leave Voicemail Messages That Get Returned
When I work with our customers in developing a B2B telemarketing strategy, I always ask about whether we should leave a voicemail message. Invariably the response is that “no one responds to those”. I counter with that the voicemail can be seen as another touch point to their prospects. If they’ve been sending emails, (nurturing) these prospects what a better way to bring their companies name to top of mind. This article outlines how to develop a coherent voicemail message. While looking at articles on voicemail messages this was one of the few that talks about creating a script for one.
If you work in a job where you regularly have to make business calls, or if you simply want to know how to make a good first impression over the phone, then knowing how to leave a professional voicemail is essential.
On the surface, leaving a voice message seems like a relatively simple task. But there is more to it than you might think!
This article will explain what to say in a voicemail and how to say it, providing you with our six top tips for leaving professional voice messages. If you’re interested to find out more, then read on!
Is Leaving a Professional Voicemail Message Really So Important?
Whether you’re calling to secure an interview for a new job or phoning a prospect to convince them to meet for a product presentation, knowing how to leave professional voicemail messages is extremely important.
We’d go so far as to call it an essential.
Communicating over the telephone has dwindled in popularity over the past few years, what with the rise in email and instant messaging.
Nonetheless, leaving a professional voicemail drastically increases your chances of making a good impression and securing a return call from your client, colleague, or potential employer.
The Secret to Leaving Professional Voicemail Messages
Even though voicemails are a simple part of everyday life, sometimes leaving someone a voice message in a professional context can still be a bit daunting.
Many people wonder what to say in a voice message to ensure they make a great first impression and hear back from the recipient.
Others may have an idea of what to include in their message, but fear that they don’t come across as professional.
If you’re someone who struggles to make phone calls or if you’re not sure how to leave voicemail messages that will leave a good impression, check out these tips!
Six Top Tips for Leaving Voicemail Messages that Get Returned
Use a Voicemail Script
One of the best pieces of advice when it comes to leaving voicemails is to use a script. All too often, voicemails are punctuated with useless filler words that take away from the caller’s message.
Either that or the caller goes on rambling digressions, taking them away from their main point.
When leaving a voicemail, script what you’re going to say in advance. Ideally, you should have script templates prepared for different kinds of calls.
Sticking to this script will help you stick to the point and cut out any “umming and ahhing.”
Start by Introducing Yourself
When you leave a voicemail message for someone, you should always begin by introducing yourself.
If you’re calling someone you already have a rapport with, you can just use your first name. Otherwise, you may want to include your surname, too.
If you have to leave a message on behalf of your company, make sure you state your company name, as well.
Once you’ve given your name, you can then introduce the reason why you’re leaving a voicemail message. Examples of this are:
“Good morning! My name is William Hughes. I’m calling today to confirm a job interview on Thursday.”
“Hello! This is Sarah. Just checking in to see if you would like to go ahead with your regular purchase this month.”
Talk Slowly
When you leave phone messages, you should always remember to talk slowly.
Over the phone, we all tend to talk a little too quickly, especially when nervous.
To make sure you sound professional when leaving phone messages, slow your speech right down. This handy tip is useful in public speaking, too.
A good rule of thumb is to speak even more slowly than you think you need to, even if it feels strange.
Try recording yourself and listening back to the audio file to see how you’ll sound when you leave voicemail messages for people.
Keep Things Concise
When leaving a voicemail, be sure to keep things short and to the point to keep the listener engaged.
Ideally, you should be able to sum up the reason for your call in a few short sentences, with your message lasting no longer than thirty seconds. As we’ve already advised, when leaving a voicemail, script what you want to say in advance.
This will keep you from deviating from your point, which will help you keep your message short and sweet.
Hopefully, if you follow our other tips on how to leave a voicemail message, this will encourage the recipient to call back for more detailed information!
Be Friendly but Professional
So far, this article has mostly discussed what to say in business voicemail messages. But when it comes to leaving professional-sounding voicemails, your delivery is just as important as what you have to say.
Whenever you have to leave a voicemail message, be sure to adopt a warm but professional tone.
You shouldn’t come across as overly informal, but also should try not to sound cold or unfeeling. For example, when thinking about how to end a voicemail, consider using friendly phrases like, “Looking forward to hearing from you!”
End on the Right Note
At last, we come to the final item on this list: how do you leave a voicemail with a good ending? Here are a few bits of advice:
Include a call to action. Where appropriate, a call to action can be a great way to encourage further engagement. Ending a call on this note means it’s more likely to stay with the recipient.
End on a friendly note when you leave a voice message. Ending on a friendly, inviting note will encourage the recipient to call back.
State your number. If you have time, include your number at the beginning of the message, too, so they don’t have to listen to the whole thing to check it.