Lead Nurturing: A Balancing Act

It is easy to get ahead of yourself when you get a potential client on the hook. As soon as they show an interest in your product, you’re ready to put the wheels in motion. Most of the time, however, you need to do a little extra legwork to get them to fully commit. That is where the art of lead nurturing comes in to play. In the world of B2B telemarketing, there is a delicate balance between doing your best for your customer, and becoming an annoying distraction that they wish would go away. While you need to make sure to stay in touch, there are a few ways to distance yourself from the pushy salesperson that no one wants to talk to.

Keep the Conversation Fresh

Some people assume that not becoming a nuisance means they should limit the number of phone calls they make to their promising leads. It is true that you don’t want to overwhelm the target with too many calls, but it is also important to keep your name fresh in their minds. Instead of forgoing the calls altogether, considering calling for different reasons. Each time you call, let them know about a new or additional feature, or a promotion you are running. This will give you more time to speak with other businesses without seeming redundant.

Make it Personal

Sales can sometimes fall into the realm of “quantity over quality.” Those who stick to this strategy are playing a numbers game. If they call enough people, they are bound to get a few to bite. This method is true in theory, but the customers you do make may not stick around if they’re not given the proper recognition. People tend to react better when you get to know them and personalize your pitch to their specific needs. For example, if you’re speaking with a small local business, you could mention the benefits of your product offers on a smaller scale. Commenting on a local sports team or the weather couldn’t hurt either. Simple remarks can make a world of difference when it comes time for the client to make a decision as to whether they want to go into business with you.

An Abundance of Options

Speaking to someone on the phone gives you an advantage over those who rely on digital media alone. You have the opportunity to gauge a person’s interest and tone that you just can’t hear in an email. That being said, people do love to have options. While you’re on a call, always make sure to offer more ways to get in touch. Those who run their own businesses have piles of work to do every day. There might be times when they just don’t have time for an entire conversation. In this case, keep it short and sweet. Give a brief overview of what you have to offer and acknowledge that you know how important their time is. Paying attention to someone’s schedule and offering alternate methods of staying in touch will make sure you stay on their minds for all the right reasons.

You can get your foot in the door with one simple phone call. Keeping that door open on the other hand, requires a plan. Lead nurturing is what you need to do to turn a person who wants to give it some thought into someone who wants to give it a try. Stay away from robotic scripts and actually listen to your clients. Changing your reasons for calling will stop you from becoming stale while paying attention will earn you some respect. People will always appreciate being listened to so giving your busier customers multiple ways of staying in touch will not go unnoticed. Every salesperson has their own strategy, and there are a number methods that have potential. You might be a veteran, or you may be relatively new to the world of sales. Either way, sometimes the best plan it to think about what you would want if you were on the other end of the call. The balancing act is not all that difficult once you get the hang of it.

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