Keeping the Bucket Full, The Right Way

There is a common metaphor in the world of B2B telemarketing known as the leaky bucket. The water in the bucket represents your leads and is something you always want to keep full. Your lead generation strategies will contribute to how well your bucket can hold onto the water. Many people struggle with keeping the bucket full while running into issues that cause it to spring leaks. There are numerous methods used to obtain these leads, but if they sink to the bottom and  are never heard from again, is it really worth the effort? Take a good look at the way in which you use your leads. There may be ways that you can plug the leaks and get more people interested in your business.

Where the Leaks Come From and How to Fix Them

You keep refilling that bucket day after day but can never seem to keep it full. If you had an actual leak in your bucket, pouring more water into it would make no sense. You would check the bottom and the sides and find where the water was escaping. Then you would patch it so no other liquid could get through. You should have the same mindset when it comes to the potential clients that fall through the cracks. You can improve your outcomes by looking into the strategies you’re implementing.

  • Lead Generation: Your leads need to come from somewhere. You may do web searches, send out email blasts, or do a manual search for other businesses in your area. No matter what technique you use, make sure the companies you reach out to have an actual need for your product.
  • Lead Qualification: Look into leads before you get too invested. Even just a small amount of research will weed out businesses that won’t amount to anything. There is always going to be a high number of companies that have either gone out of business or changed their contact information. Once you rid yourself of the dead weight you’ll have a much easier time finding quality leads.
  • Lead Nurturing: The initial meeting is an important step to making a sale. The follow up call is  just as, if not more, essential. When there are multiple instances of contact there is less chance that the lead will slip away. Keep offering your services and make sure potential clients remember who you are.

A leaky bucket is not a great thing to have. Thankfully, it is not beyond repair. Adjust your methods and see how to make your leads work for your specific needs. In the end, you’ll be much happier when you no longer need to replace lost leads with more pointless options.

How to Avoid Springing New Leaks

It is easy to sit back and say your problem is solved. Unfortunately, that mindset will not work in this situation. Think about your solutions like a temporary patch over the cracks. It will work for now, but it needs attention in order to maintain its hold. It might be tempting to return to your old ways. After all, they were easier and required much less effort. You’re a busy person and you don’t always have time to do research. In reality, the extra work you put in will actually bring in more business than the previous method ever could. Start thinking about it like quality over quantity. If you find a company that is already in need of your services, that one lead is worth more than ten others that will eventually just fade away. If you still have too much to do in a day and can’t add any more, consider hiring outside help. There are companies that can run a telemarketing campaign so you can keep up with your numerous other responsibilities. Take a moment and decide what is right for you. No matter what you choose though, something needs to be done to fix those leaks.

When you bring in high numbers of leads but see very few of them turn into new customers, it may be time to take a look at your bucket. Your lead generation methods may be effective when it comes to the amount of potential customers you bring in, but keep in mind that their viability is what matters. Business to business telemarketing does require a good amount of work and attention, but it is worth it when you stop all those leads from disappearing. If that seems like too much, or you just can’t seem to get it right, always remember that there are professionals that can help. They are your leads, make sure they can get to the right place. If you can’t handle the volume check out a B2B telemarketing service like It’s Your Call.

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