How often do you follow up?
Once again we were asked to do follow up calls to a “culled list” of prospects and once again half the list was not interested or bad numbers. Going to business networking events and collecting business cards is just the beginning steps to developing a prospect list. Be selective on who’s card you collect and then make sure the follow up after the event (inbound leads and trade show leads included) is made. The follow up will help you determine who’s a qualified lead or referral source but also who’s not. The article below describes several ways to follow up.
I’m often asked, “How often do you follow up with a potential client?” Or, “How much do you follow up on a lead?”
Sales can be a frustrating business when potential clients don’t answer your calls, don’t return your calls, and don’t respond to emails, letters or whatever type of communication you use. With all the great technological advancements of our times, buyers have many ways to hide from us. But, if they’re hiding, maybe they don’t really have an immediate need. How are you to know if they won’t communicate?!!?
My philosophy on follow up is that you:
Follow up, follow up, follow up until they buy … or die.
That statement usually gets a chuckle from my seminar attendees. Some people who read that line of advice will cringe internally because they hate doing follow up or they give up after a couple of attempts at contacting leads.
The “cringers” are the ones who lay the groundwork for the champions. With their “couple of attempts” to contact leads, they leave a reminder that the buyer had expressed a need in the benefits of their product. It may have seemed important to the buyer at the time, but then as it happens, other things take priority. However, there was a reason they thought it was a good idea to leave their contact information in the first place.
Champions follow up in various ways, at different times of the day/week/month until they connect. Then, through proper questioning, the pros find out what that reason was. They know that the time required to attempt each contact is minimal compared to the potential return if/when they are finally able to serve the buyers’ needs.
Be a follow up nut in a fun and friendly way. Leave messages to build curiosity in the minds of the buyers so they’ll want to speak with you to learn more about how their lives will be better or they’ll save money or live a healthier lifestyle or sleep better at night after they’re happily involved with the benefits of your product or service.
Always remember: Even if it turns out the lead is not qualified to own your offering, they very likely know someone who is. So, even if you don’t end up serving their needs, when you’ve left a positive impression of professionalism and determination, they’ll be willing to tell others about your excellent service.