Everything You Need to Know About Lead Nurturing
Think of an average work day. How many sales do you typically make? Do those customers usually come back, or is it more of a one and done kind of situation? Aside from making a quality product or preforming excellent services, bringing in new customers should be your number one priority. B2B telemarketing is a strategy we all use to turn potential clients into paying customers. It starts with lead generation and should end with a new sale. It’s that time in between that many people struggle with. After all, you can only guess how a person will react to your phone call. They may be interested, they might not want to talk, or they may simply be too busy to hear your pitch. Lead nurturing will help you make better connections and improve your sales. When you go the extra mile for your customers, they will be more inclined to do the same for you.
Why is Lead Nurturing Important?
On your end of the call, you know what you need to say and why the other person could use your product. On their side, all they know is that someone they may have never heard of before is calling them out of the blue. Think of some sales calls you’ve received in the past? What was something that caught your interest? Calling someone and reading directly off a script may work for some people, but for others, a more personalized approach is best. Lead nurturing is going above and beyond to get a business interested in what you are selling. Your leads are important and should be treated as such. A polished presentation geared to a client’s specific needs is bound to be more successful than something that you use on everyone regardless of their circumstances.
What is the First Step?
At first glance, lead nurturing may seem complex. There are many factors to consider and they all need to be done in a timely manner in order to be efficient. When it comes down to it, research is your friend. A quick internet search of a company can usually give you all the information you need. Look up the size and location of the business, as well as the person you need to speak with. When you pick up the phone to call, you should already know a good deal about the company. This will make it much easier to let them know why your services would be beneficial to them.
Is it Worth the Extra Work?
All this extra effort is useless if you don’t make a sale in the end, right? Wrong. This mindset is only going to hold you back. The extra work is going to give you connections that will lead to better opportunities. There will be times when a lead is either in a contract with someone else, or genuinely cannot afford your product. While these calls will not end in a sale, that does not mean you walk away empty handed. If the call goes well you can ask for partners or affiliates that may be interested. You could also set up a date in the future to check in and see if their situation had changed. If you play your cards right, one call could end up getting you multiple leads and appointments.
What Comes Next?
Lead nurturing is not a one step process. After you make the initial phone call, you need to make sure you keep them on the hook. Listen to what they tell you including any objections and how busy they are. If at all possible make an appointment to follow up with them. If they seem too preoccupied to listen to your pitch, offer to send them some more information either with an electronic or hard copy. Giving the customer choices shows that their opinions matter and you will do whatever works best for them. Let them know that you’ll be calling back to make sure they received the information and make sure you do. Punctuality will put your dedication on display. You’re good at your job, make sure everyone you contact knows that.
Sometimes making calls might seem like it’s all about the numbers. The more people you call, the more chances you have of making a sale. This is often an easier approach, but not always a better one. Taking the time to look into the companies you’re reaching out to will only improve their experience. The more you know about them, the better your odds are of closing a deal. Keep in mind that it takes more than one call to get to where you need to go. Do your research and follow up with leads. The whole process will make your numbers higher and customers happier. Lead nurturing does take some extra effort, but it is all worth it in the end.