Cleaning Up Your List: Who Should Make the Final Cut?
At this very moment, there is probably a pile of leads either somewhere on your desk or saved away on your computer. You might look at it from time to time and try to guess which names have the best chance of working out in your favor. Calling customers every day is a great way to improve your lead nurturing skills and will keep you from getting rusty. There are always benefits to using B2B telemarketing services to get your name out there, but you need to make sure you are using them properly. If your list of qualified leads is as long as a phone book, it might be time to do a little cleanup work. Trimming the fat from your list will save you time and make your calls more productive. Take a look at a few things you can do to make sure you are getting the most out of your leads.
Inactive Businesses
The very first aspect of your list that you should take a look at is the customers you were either never able to reach, or have not spoken to over an extended period of time. Many of these names could have gone out of business completely or just moved out of your scope. All it takes is a quick internet search to find out if you should spend any more time on them. During this search you may also find other details that could be useful. If a hard-to-reach business is still up and running, see if you can update your contact information. Phone numbers and email addresses can sometimes change, and you wouldn’t want to keep calling a number that is no longer connected to the person you need to reach. Taking the time to go over your list will save you from the inevitable frustration that comes with numerous failed attempts at a conversation.
Current Customers
Your list of leads should consist of other businesses who you think will want to buy from you in the future. Believe it or not, some people get so wrapped up in day-to-day tasks that they forget to cross names off the list entirely. Companies who have already signed on the dotted line are no longer leads, they are active customers. Their information should go into a completely different file. Having separate categories for each step of your process will help you stay organized as well as put you in the proper headspace when it comes time to make a phone call. Jumping back and forth between follow up calls and introductions can be jarring and most find it much simpler to stick with one type of call at a time. Separate all businesses into groups; those who need to be called for the first time, those you need to follow up with, and current customers that you should check in on from time to time. Removing those you have already had success with will shorten your list and make it seem less daunting. You will also get a nice sense of pride when you can take a look at your long list of active customers.
Edit For Clarity
One lead will never be exactly the same as another. You might call what you believe to be a longshot and make a sale right away, while a sure thing you get in touch with later on brushes you off entirely. Grouping your lists together based on current information will make your process easier and help you prepare for the conversation. Take a look at the list of names you have and create a questionnaire that relates to you and your company. Will your leads be able to use your product? Are they in range of your delivery drivers? Do you know if they are under contract with someone else? Put names together based on the answers to questions like these. You will then be able to make contact knowing what to expect as well as being able to see if similarly grouped businesses have similar responses. Even those who you don’t have much confidence in should be called. They may turn you down, but you will still be able to learn about what you should change and if they may change their mind in the future. Staying organized in this way will allow you to make better connections and to always stay on top of your game.
Cold calling is a great sales tactic, but it can sometimes get complicated. Use every tool you have to your advantage and make sure you are getting the most out of your calls. Lead generation and lead nurturing are essential pieces to the whole puzzle. A strong list while you’re putting together your leads will allow you to get a leg up on the nurturing process. Don’t just keep the same list of leads you’ve had for years with no changes. Go through and edit the information of those who have moved and get rid of names that are no longer in business. The sales you have landed in the past should not be on this list and should be put into a category all their own. Organization is a key element as well. What may seem like a huge task will actually make your calls easier and help you focus from one customer to the next. If you’ve noticed that the B2B telemarketing services you’re implementing have leveled out, or you simply want to try a new angle, take a long look at your prospect list. There is always something you can do to make it better, you might as well begin now