B2B How-To: 5 lead nurturing tactics to get from lead gen to sales-qualified
A great article that breaks down a b2b lead generation and lead nurturing strategy. This spells out the structure that’s needed to implement a successful marketing to sales hand off. Not surprising is the suggestion that at least 60% of the
5 Ways to Generate B2B Leads at Trade Shows
This article is written from the PR perspective but whether its from this industry perspective or any other marketing industry perspective the consensus is that a follow up phone call needs to occur after the trade show. Customers have hired IT’S
So Many Leads…So Little Time
Here is a case study about one of our current customers who is utilizing our b2b telemarketing services. Not only are we doing lead generation but also lead qualification, by following up on emails that have been sent to their prospects.
B2B Lead Qualification: Stop generating leads and start generating revenue
This article sums up the current marketing trend. Build a form and leads will come. Yes, a form will generate leads but the majority are not ready to be handed off to sales. The process of qualifying inbound leads needs
The Seven Selling Basics That’ll Make You as Great as You Want to Be
Some great points are made about the basics however the prospecting aspect is sorely lacking. Our customers hire us to add to their b2b sales process. We create lead generation and lead qualification campaigns to help their prospects through the sales cycle. Of course there are
5 Tips for a Healthy Pipeline
Qualifying your prospects is key to making sure your sales pipeline is “healthy”. Many of our customers utilize our b2b telemarketing services to further qualify leads that are in their database. This article discusses setting criteria to move prospects seamlessly through the pipeline. A pipeline full
The 7 most important stages in the b2b telemarketing funnel
This is a great breakdown of the B2B telemarketing process for generating leads. Defining the steps helps all involved to understand the various stages of the sales funnel. Working with our customers we make sure that everyone has the same
Money Making Methods for Following Up with Trade Show Leads
This article is right on about the follow up strategy for trade show leads. When I started IT’S YOUR CALL I knew that most companies didn’t do the necessary follow up on leads gathered from trade shows. I went to exhibitors
5 do’s & don’ts of B2B lead qualification
This is a great article discussing b2b lead qualification. Often times marketers think more is better and just gather lead to be successful. B2B lead generation is great but never qualifying the leads results in wasted time and money. Many of IT’S YOUR CALL‘s
Inbound Marketing Improved With Outbound Telemarketing
A Software as a Service company was generating interest by having visitors to their website download a white paper. Visitors had to fill out a basic form which included a phone number in order to perform the download. After discerning