How to Make Lemonade from Lemons…At All Levels of Ripeness
Lemons have gotten a bad rap. While they are not so great to eat directly off the tree, they are a useful and wonderful ingredient in everything from cleaning products to our favorite refreshments. A successful business person looks upon
B2B Telemarketing: Awesome Sales Tool, If Handled Correctly
Here’s a great article giving advice on making B2B telemarketing calls. It focuses on the outbound telemarketing aspect of sales and creating a lead generation and a lead qualification process for those inbound leads. Yes, digital marketing maybe considered less
Questions For a B2B Telemarketing Service
Where are the callers making the calls? Consideration: Dialect can affect the way you are perceived by your prospect Who writes the script? Consideration: A script needs to be written in such a way that it is more of a guideline for the
What Are You Going to Say?
Once you have put together a good list of quality prospects for your B2B Telemarketing Campaign, it’s time to further qualify your list and your test the effectiveness of you pitch with a well scripted call script. I know, I know.
Steps to Develop a Telemarketing Campaign
Implementing a b2b telemarketing strategy is the quickest way to start generating qualified leads. The following article does a nice job of outlining the steps. I would take note that using annual revenue in your search criteria isn’t an accurate
S.O.S. er…S.O.D. (Data)
Although data accuracy is one of the most important rules of successful B2B Telemarketing, in the constantly changing age of technology it is easy for customer databases to become outdated and overrun with bad information. Data cleaning is a great
Quality not Quantity
Qualifying leads is an essential part of growing your potential customer base and turning prospects into sales in B2B marketing. Often, potential leads don’t respond to the first few follow up phone calls or email marketing attempts. With a large
Is the Telephone Still Effective for Prospecting?
I get asked this question all the time. I may be biased but b2b telemarketing has become more effective in this digital marketing age. We’ve been helping companies with their b2b lead generation since 1994. Our customers know that in
Out of Sorts or Outsource
Prospecting leads is an essential part of growing your potential customer base and turning leads into sales in B2B marketing. Often, potential leads don’t respond to the first few B2B telemarketing or email marketing attempts. With a large list of