Does cold-calling bring you out in a cold sweat?
Understanding your prospects is a way to make a b2b telemarketing call less stressful. The article below outlines some techniques that will allow you to know more about your sales prospect and thus making the cold call a less daunting
10 Excuses for Lazy Prospecting
Memorial day is almost here which means it’s a great time to start your b2b telemarketing campaign! The list below really outlines how to rationalize not working all summer. In our experience appointment setting can be an easier task during this time
Tips to Following Up With Prospects
We have customers who are doing b2b telemarketing/marketing campaigns, have a process in place to do the follow up but don’t have the band width to implement the system. They come to IT’S YOUR CALL when they need to do the essential follow
Telephone marketing
Preparation is so important in any circumstance but to handle spur of the moment inquiries in a b2b telemarketing setting is crucial to begin the building of confidence in your product. Creating a process that takes the lead from when
Who You Gonna Call?
There is a common myth in b2b telemarketing that you should make as many calls as possible. What I say to my clients who are looking at a business to business telemarketing campaign is “the program is only as good
Is an Outbound Prospecting Team Right for You?
Before you consider building an outbound lead gen team, you must make sure you would actually benefit from one, which typically means your company exhibits one or more of the following 5 signs. 1. You want to grow sales but you don’t have
Who’s On Your List Says Much About What Will Be In Your Wallet
I will be the first to tell you that B2B cold calling is productive but not easy. When cold calling with a well targeted list as part of an overall marketing strategy, it will produce viable leads. So how do you go about getting a
5 Ways to Generate B2B Leads at Trade Shows
The fall tradeshow season is right around the corner. This article articulates a great b2b marketing strategy to get the most out of the event by getting the most qualified leads. We’ve worked with many businesses that realize qualifying the
The Show is Over But the Game is at Halftime: Aggressive Follow Up is Key to Trade Show Sales
Focused, aggressive follow up is how the sales are made. But follow up is where many trade show exhibitors fall short. By the time the show ends, you and your team have collected contact information from prospects, and have engaged
How Do I Get Them to Like Me?
Quite simple. Target your B2B2 Telemarketing campaigns to organizations who can truly benefit from what you have to offer. Take the time to get to know your prospect before you ever pick up the phone. There’s an age old saying “No