Take Charge of Your Business with Omnichannel Marketing
Sometimes getting people interested in your brand is easier said than done. You know that your services are amazing, but you sometimes have trouble getting other businesses interested. With the high level of competition in every industry, you need to
Multiple Marketing Strategies and Their Many Advantages
Anyone who has spent time in the marketing industry knows the power a campaign can have over a business. An effective strategy can drum up new business for a company giving them more customers than they know what to do
Cleaning Up Your List: Who Should Make the Final Cut?
At this very moment, there is probably a pile of leads either somewhere on your desk or saved away on your computer. You might look at it from time to time and try to guess which names have the best
Success With Surveys
All day every day you are doing whatever you can to make your customers happy. You do everything within your power to make sure your product is exactly what they need. While it may not seem like too much effort
Nurturing Your Leads: Make Calls That Matter
At some point during your workday, you take a seat and get ready to make a few calls. Whether that is your whole job, or just a part of it, you already know how challenging it can be. A person
Step Out of Your Comfort Zone With More Lead Generation Options
There are going to be highs and lows in any business. You might find yourself drowning in sales for weeks on end and then you come into the office one morning to dismal numbers. It is no secret that in
Why Should They Choose You?
You may already be a great salesperson. You may know your script backwards and forwards and are an expert on every trick in the book. Sales are what keep your company running, and without them there is no future. You
Training Your Team: Getting the Best From New Faces
Getting into a new line of work is never easy. There are numerous obstacles to overcome all while trying to dazzle and impress everyone who might notice. Companies tend to have a standard training manual that they give out to
Multichannel Outreach — Reach a Wider Audience
At IT'S YOUR CALL we use our b2b telemarketing services but it's just one of our tools in our toolbox to do lead generation and we encourage our customers to use more than one strategy as well. This article describes
Types of Leads and How to Handle Them
There may be days where it seems like you have spent all your time on the phone and gotten nowhere. B2B telemarketing can be a complex system at times, and you may not always know how to handle each situation.