B2B Telemarketing: Time for a Review

When you get into a a good rhythm with your sales calls, you may start to feel that no changes are necessary. You bring in a good amount of customers and feel that your numbers are strong. This could very well be the case, but you should never stop trying to improve your performance. Even the most senior member of your sales team should look for new ideas that could draw attention to the product they are trying to sell. B2B telemarketing services are often used for exactly this. There are numerous methods and techniques that can make the best salesperson even better. Lead nurturing is an art form that requires the seller to be well versed and efficient. What better way to improve on these skills than with reviews? More specifically, reviewing past calls in order to improve upon future ones. Here are a few tips about how you and your sales team can find out what is working, and what should be left behind.

Selecting Calls for Review

Whether you as a company record your sales calls, or simply take notes of the highlights, you should always have something to look back on after every conversation with a client. These records can be used to determine what is working properly and what can be improved. Sifting through every single recording and transcript can become tedious and time consuming. Come up with a system where you go over a few select calls over a predetermined span of time. It could be weekly, monthly, or even quarterly. Select a time that works for your schedule and let your team know when you would like to have discussions with them. This will give everyone ample time to prepare for meetings and come up with suggestions of their own. You can choose to only go over your own calls, sit one on one with members of your team, or even have group discussions. Check with others to see what they would be the most comfortable with and plan accordingly. It will be a learning experience and you want to make sure everyone comes out with new ideas for their sales calls.

What Needs Changing

Certain lines in pitches and scripts have the potential to become outdated or irrelevant. In between meetings, record or take note of any aspects that do not seem to be getting the desired result. Maybe customers tune out when you are going over some of your product’s more detailed metrics, or maybe they keep asking to questions about something you usually gloss over. Any details that you and your team collect can be used to help out the group as a whole. With the amount of calls made by a salesperson, you are bound to find numerous areas that can be adjusted. For example, if everyone brings up one issue in particular, it will make it very easy to determine where you should start making changes. Keep track of everything whether it’s is a small alteration, or something on a larger scale. At the next review you will be able to see if it made a difference. Sometimes your initial thought will be spot on, and other times you will see that your problems lie elsewhere. No sales pitch will ever be 100% perfect, but this will help you get as close as possible.

Take Your Time

Better sales won’t usually happen overnight. It takes time to determine where you want to go and what path you need to take. By reviewing past phone calls you can pick and choose the areas in which you would like to direct your focus. You might see a problem with customer retention, or maybe you’re having trouble with your call back meetings. No matter what the issue is, you should be able to find it by reviewing your conversations. Keep in mind that this method could take a good amount of trial and error before you are able to hit your ideal sales numbers. In reality, you might hit it out of the park after your first few changes, or it could take revamping your process entirely. Do not get discouraged if you do not see results immediately. Take it one step at a time and remember that these reviews are meant to show you where your strengths and weaknesses are. As long as you put in the necessary time, every call can lead you to improved numbers and better sales.

You might be a one man operation, or you could work with a large number of excellent salespeople. No matter what your situation you should always make time to go over conversations you have had with customers. If you don’t record your phone calls, take notes on a variety of both long-shot calls as well as the sure things. You want to get a wide range of experiences to see what needs improvement. Pay attention to the sound of the calls as well as the feedback from your team. Some aspects that need changes may be obvious, but smaller issues tend to be more elusive. The time you put into reviews will be well worth it when your sales go up and your customer satisfaction improves. Picture exactly what you would like to see with your conversations and then do everything you can to make that vision reality.

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