How to Make a Successful Cold Call
Making a cold call can increase your sales activity almost instantaneously. The e-book “Cold Calling for the Clueless” is a guide to help you set up a b2b telemarketing process for your organization. It also outlines the steps below in
Warming Up Those Necessary Cold Calls: 5 Tips to Remember When Cold Calling Business Leads
Even though lots of salespeople would like to avoid cold calling altogether, it makes a very effective sales tool. Here are five things you can do to ease your anxiety and make cold calling easier. When most folks think about cold calling, they don’t get a
5 do’s & don’ts of B2B lead qualification
This is a great article discussing b2b lead qualification. Often times marketers think more is better and just gather lead to be successful. B2B lead generation is great but never qualifying the leads results in wasted time and money. Many of IT’S YOUR CALL‘s
B2B Telemarketing: Awesome Sales Tool, If Handled Correctly
A great article discussing b2b telemarketing as a lead generation tool but it doesn’t discuss how effective it can be with lead qualification. Following up on inbound leads, trade show leads or email blasts not only differentiates companies from their
3 Best Practices for Better B2B Trade Show ROI
Trade shows marketing has to be a solid process that can be adjusted and replicated. For a small business a booth might not be an option so envisioning a table set up and what goes on the table is necessary. How
Does cold-calling bring you out in a cold sweat?
Understanding your prospects is a way to make a b2b telemarketing call less stressful. The article below outlines some techniques that will allow you to know more about your sales prospect and thus making the cold call a less daunting
Who You Gonna Call?
There is a common myth in b2b telemarketing that you should make as many calls as possible. What I say to my clients who are looking at a business to business telemarketing campaign is “the program is only as good
How to Make Lemonade from Lemons…At All Levels of Ripeness
Lemons have gotten a bad rap. While they are not so great to eat directly off the tree, they are a useful and wonderful ingredient in everything from cleaning products to our favorite refreshments. A successful business person looks upon
B2B Telemarketing: Awesome Sales Tool, If Handled Correctly
Here’s a great article giving advice on making B2B telemarketing calls. It focuses on the outbound telemarketing aspect of sales and creating a lead generation and a lead qualification process for those inbound leads. Yes, digital marketing maybe considered less