Bulk Calling for a Bulk Mailer

We have been used by a marketing agency in IL numerous times to help with calling for a very large client of theirs.  The client has thousands of inside sales representatives but can’t just dump the special calling projects the marketing agency creates, so they reach out to IT’S YOUR CALL.

This particular campaign was a direct mail piece (a small box) with materials that had a Personalized URL, or PURL, for each prospect. The PURL that is delivered directs the recipients to download material.  The mailers went out, however, like the small communication company, there were no resources for the follow up.

The objective of the campaign was to ensure the prospects received the mailer.  If they didn’t, we needed to verify the mailing address or give the prospect the option to receive the PURL in an email. If the prospect did receive it, we would then encourage them to download the personalized materials.

We were able to connect with 50% of the list, and out of those 77% downloaded the materials! A typical campaign has us connecting to about 15% of the list. This campaign achieved a positive response rate of 14.06%. It was an amazing outcome, providing plenty of positive results for the client.

We have been used by a marketing agency in IL numerous times to help with calling for a very large client of theirs.  The client has thousands of inside sales representatives but can’t just dump the special calling projects the marketing agency creates, so they reach out to IT’S YOUR CALL.

This particular campaign was a direct mail piece (a small box) with materials that had a Personalized URL, or PURL, for each prospect. The PURL that is delivered directs the recipients to download material.  The mailers went out, however, like the small communication company, there were no resources for the follow up.

The objective of the campaign was to ensure the prospects received the mailer.  If they didn’t, we needed to verify the mailing address or give the prospect the option to receive the PURL in an email. If the prospect did receive it, we would then encourage them to download the personalized materials.

We were able to connect with 50% of the list, and out of those 77% downloaded the materials! A typical campaign has us connecting to about 15% of the list. This campaign achieved a positive response rate of 14.06%. It was an amazing outcome, providing plenty of positive results for the client.

For more case studies:  https://itsyourcall.com/making-marketers-look-good/

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