Biggest Arguments Against B2B Telemarketing Debunked
Do you ever look at your client list and wish it could just grow on it’s own? Maybe if you stare hard enough the names will multiply and you won’t have to put in any effort at all. While it’s a nice thought, you’re probably going to have to put in the work if you want to attract new customers. Marketing techniques may not be as easy as snapping your fingers, but they will put you on the right path. It will always be tempting to look to the shiny new strategies when it comes to the progression of your company. There are definitely upsides to technology, but always keep in mind that there are many options to choose from. B2B telemarketing services have stood the test of time and are still widely used today simply because they work. You’ve no doubt heard people talk about how much better their streamlined processes are, but there is something about sustainability that just makes more sense. You can track everything from lead generation all the way to appointment setting with business to business telemarketing. Take some time to read about the problems many people think about, and how you can overcome them.
Time Consuming
One of the most common reasons people have for not wanting to pick up a phone and call another business is that it takes time. Sending out an email blast can sometimes be done in a matter of seconds while conversations with other people in your industry can take a big chunk out of your day. To be fair, telemarketing does in fact take more time than email or social media posts. With that taken into account, you should also consider what the point of being efficient is if you do not see any results. When you speak with someone over the phone, you are making an actual connection with them. You change your image from a faceless company to a fellow industry professional. Sometimes, it is worth the amount of time it takes when it leads to a successful sale.
Lower Volume of Contact
There is no way you are going to be able to call the same amount of people that you can email. You might be able to post information about your product over social media in the same time it takes you to make one phone call. Again, you can’t argue with facts. You can, however, point out that social media ads are constantly ignored. It is much harder to hang up on a person than it is to click the x on an advertisement. Over the phone, you have the chance to talk about your service and answer any questions someone may have. With mass generated ads, there is nothing other than what appears on the screen. This personal touch is especially helpful when it comes to lead nurturing. When it comes time for your potential client to choose between you and your competitors, they’ll see the difference between someone who cares about their needs, and someone who just wants to reach as many people as possible.
The Client’s Schedule
We’ve already mentioned how B2B telemarketing takes time to implement. Some also worry about not just their own time, but that of their prospects as well. As a business professional, you know all too well how important sticking to a schedule is. The last thing you want to do is be a burden on someone else. This is actually less of an issue than you may think. Minor interruptions throughout the day comes with the territory whether you’re buying, selling, or both. The people you are reaching out to should have a genuine need for your product. A quick call can either lead to a conversation, or allow you to set an appointment at a better time. Calling a person does not mean that you’re interrupting. It is simply a way to show that they can use your service, and you could use their business.
There are many factors to consider when it comes to marketing your product. New techniques can seem interesting, but they often fall short when it comes to the customer. Thankfully, B2B telemarketing services are available to help you on your way. Phone calls take time but offer so many advantages that digital media cannot. You’ll be able to have a personal conversation and find out how to best help other businesses to the best of your ability. This is one instance where you want quality over quantity. Once you add B2B telemarketing into your routine, the numbers will speak for themselves.