Multichannel Outreach — Reach a Wider Audience
At IT’S YOUR CALL we use our b2b telemarketing services but it’s just one of our tools in our toolbox to do lead generation and we encourage our customers to use more than one strategy as well. This article describes some of the methods to us and the expected results.
All is fair in love and outbound lead generation. Of course, you can still have a primary channel for your outreach, but you shouldn’t disregard the other resources.
Multichannel outreach:
Increases customer retention rates
Spreads company awareness
Creates a full customer journey
Outbound lead generation channels include cold calling, cold emailing, social media connections, landing pages, pre-targeting ads, content syndication, direct mail, and much more.
82% of buyers say they have accepted meetings with salespeople after a series of contacts beginning with sales cold calls, proving that cold calling isn’t going to die any time soon.
Personalized cold emails can double your reply rates. Social media outreach is cheap and can reach a target demographic fairly quickly. Direct mail is much more tricky to master, although there is almost no competition in the lead’s post box.
No matter which channel you decide to add to the outbound lead gen efforts, it will be useful.