10 Excuses for Lazy Prospecting
Memorial day is almost here which means it’s a great time to start your b2b telemarketing campaign! The list below really outlines how to rationalize not working all summer. In our experience appointment setting can be an easier task during this time particularly on Friday afternoons (see excuse number 4).
Summer is the season when many people tend to take it a little easier, including your competitors. Could this be the opportune time to take advantage of someone else’s summer sluggishness?
Here are 10 common excuses about prospecting during prime vacation season—and the reality check that could turn them into a sales advantage instead.
1) False: It’s summer. Nobody’s around. Why prospect?
True: Nobody takes a three-month vacation.
2) False: It’s summer. All my prospects are out of town. I can’t prospect.
True: All prospects don’t vacation at the same time.
3) False: It’s summer. Who can prospect in this heat?
True: Your prospects are probably in their air-conditioned offices waiting for your call.
4) False: It’s Friday afternoon. Prospects close early.
True: Employees leave early. The boss stays and answers the phone.
5) False: It’s Monday morning. Prospects don’t want me to bother them now.
True: How do you know what your prospects want? You haven’t met them yet.
6) False: I’m going away next week. I can’t make appointments.
True: In other words, you’re taking a two-week vacation.
7) False: I just returned from my trip. I need to catch up. I’ll prospect next week.
True: See above. Now it’s a three-week vacation.
8) False: My assistant is away. I need to stick around.
True: Great. Make some calls while you stick around.
9) False: My assistant just got back from vacation. We need to catch up.
True: Now you’re up to four weeks.
10) False: Last two weeks in August? This is prime vacation time. I’ll get going after Labor Day.
True: You’ve now taken a six-week vacation and wasted more than half of the summer selling season.
As summer winds to a close, make sure you take some time for yourself, family and community—but keep your prospect appointments up to your standards.