Using Phone Surveys For Effective Client Profiling
Periodically, we are hired to help marketers with their customer surveys. Not only is it a good way to learn more about the customers but a side benefit, not mentioned in this article, is that database cleaning occurs as well. In
Lead Generation That Converts Leads into Sales Opportunities
Recently, we were asked to help further qualify respondents to our customer’s lead generation campaign. We were able to uncover some immediate sales opportunities but we also determined where the other leads were in the sales process and helped to determine what
Sales-Marketing Alignment: What B2B marketers can learn from a one-person team that drove a 10% product demo conversion
This is a case study that Marketing Sherpa wrote about one of our customers. Although it was written in 2011 the process is still the same. SUMMARY: Marketing/Sales alignment receives a lot of attention because when these teams work closely together, the
The Lead Response Management Study
Recently I was asked when is the best time to call on leads. I shared the results for telemarketing from the study below. We have used the times table below to schedule calls and have had similar results. Not that we
When It Comes to Sales, the Phone Is Your Most Powerful Tool
A number of our customers use us to follow up on social media campaigns. To have a really effective digital marketing campaign a phone number should always be required before content (white paper, coupon, demos) is given away. This will
10 Sales Stats to Keep in Mind in 2016
To utilize these sales stats one would have to utilize the phone efficiently and effectively. We’ve done several campaigns helping companies with their b to b sales process with follow up calling and lead qualification. Here are ten sales stats, accompanied by
There’s No Such Thing as “No Decision”
We do database cleaning for many of our customers. The cleaning is done to their prospect list that at some point had interest but there was “no decision”. When we call on the list we not only determine the correct
This article from Entrepreneur not only defines prospecting but differentiates between cold, warm and hot prospects and how each should be handled. Customers use IT’S YOUR CALL for all aspects of prospecting. Definition: The search for potential customers or buyers . When it comes to drumming up new
9 Steps to Revitalize Your B2B Trade Show Marketing Strategy
March is the start of Trade show Season! The article below discusses trade show marketing strategy for before during and after exhibiting at the show. Interesting that under the follow up section email is used and there is no method
Here are 14 Lead Qualification Questions
I just finished a workshop on prospecting and writing a telemarketing scripts. The audience could easily write a description of what their company did and how they help but the biggest issue was developing the lead qualification questions. Below are samples and descriptions to help with creating