The Pros of Adding B2B Telemarketing to a Marketing Strategy
This article articulates all the advantages of utilizing B2B telemarketing in a companies marketing strategy. Not only does it talk about lead generation and lead qualification it also talks about customer outreach. Calling on an existing customer database to not
What B2B Telemarketing Can Do For Your Business
This comprehensive article outlines where B2B telemarketing can fit into your marketing process. From lead generation/qualification and appointment setting to customer surveys and database cleanup are just a few of the touch points listed in this post. B2B telemarketing plays a
Cleaning Up Your List: Who Should Make the Final Cut?
At this very moment, there is probably a pile of leads either somewhere on your desk or saved away on your computer. You might look at it from time to time and try to guess which names have the best
Keeping Up With Old Friends
Over the years there have probably been quite a few people who you have lost touch with. Whether a friend moved away, or you just grew apart, it is bound to happen every once in a while. In some ways,
Using Phone Surveys For Effective Client Profiling
Periodically, we are hired to help marketers with their customer surveys. Not only is it a good way to learn more about the customers but a side benefit, not mentioned in this article, is that database cleaning occurs as well. In
The Problem of Record Completeness in B2B Marketing
Lately, We’ve had a number of campaigns that have contracted us to perform database cleaning. Some have asked us to work with a newly purchased list and drill down deeper to find appropriate contact information for their particular prospect. Others have
Who You Gonna Call?
There is a common myth in b2b telemarketing that you should make as many calls as possible. What I say to my clients who are looking at a business to business telemarketing campaign is “the program is only as good
S.O.S. er…S.O.D. (Data)
Although data accuracy is one of the most important rules of successful B2B Telemarketing, in the constantly changing age of technology it is easy for customer databases to become outdated and overrun with bad information. Data cleaning is a great
Making the Most of Your Phone Calls
If you run your own business, you already know how important marketing is to your success. After all, you won’t make it very far if no one knows what you have to offer. Business to business telemarketing had been used
The Ins and Outs of Database Cleaning
Think about how much you actually accomplish on a daily basis. Do you ever wonder what you could do to be more productive? Try starting with your data. B2B telemarketing depends on current and accurate data to provide you with