Leave Voicemail Messages That Get Returned
When I work with our customers in developing a B2B telemarketing strategy, I always ask about whether we should leave a voicemail message. Invariably the response is that "no one responds to those". I counter with that the voicemail can
B2B Telemarketing Goals That Will Boost Your Confidence
How many times have you looked at the list of phone calls you have to make and felt discouraged. You could plan to make dozens of calls every day and you will never be able to predict how each conversation
It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year… For Your Sales!
The holidays can be the best time of year for many reasons. You get to spend more time with friends and family, you get some much-needed end of the year down time, and everything around you is festive and bright.
B2B Telemarketing: Time for a Review
When you get into a a good rhythm with your sales calls, you may start to feel that no changes are necessary. You bring in a good amount of customers and feel that your numbers are strong. This could very
B2B Telemarketing Goals That Will Boost Your Confidence
How many times have you looked at the list of phone calls you have to make and felt discouraged. You could plan to make dozens of calls every day and you will never be able to predict how each conversation
New Markets and Your Business
Expanding your business is not always simple. It involves extensive amounts of work and could be risky. With that being said, how do you know when it’s time? If you have been on the scene for a while and you
Let the Customer Lead the Way
If you work in the field of B2B telemarketing services, you know that there is no better feeling than a completed sale. All the hard work you put into talking up your product and learning about the other business finally
Trends in Telemarketing
There may have been a time when you thought snap bracelets would never go out of style. They’re bright, colorful, and fun, making it impossible to see a future without them. You may have had numerous bracelets that you wore
Reel in More Customers with New Lead Generation Strategies
There are always going to be the tried-and-true methods of lead generation that you should be using on a daily basis. Cold calling, networking events, and direct mailers have been proven to be effective from the day they were first
Lead Nurturing and the Sales it Leads To
If you work in the field of B2B telemarketing services, you know that there is no better feeling than a completed sale. All the hard work you put into talking up your product and learning about the other business finally